Thursday, April 14, 2016

Classy pillow boxes with marvelous designs are ideal for part favors.

Pillow boxes can be printed with a variety of themes, materials and finishing options,these boxes are used as gift boxes for several occasions.

Kraft Pillow Boxes Eco friendly gift

Pillow Box Medium - full digital print included

Custom Printed Pillow Box Gift Boxes in Small Quantities

Custom printed pillow box for hair extension packing

Foil blocked or screen printed depending on your required

Custom Pillow Boxes and Packaging


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  2. It is also called favor boxes, because of the usage for several occasions like Christmas, birthdays, weddings Etc because it can be made in any size and material. We have made custom printed pillow boxes for the top performer of the month and one guy still have that on his table bcoz of the stylish look and quote on it.

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  4. It was an amazing blog and very informative. Thank you. Get Custom Pillow Boxes with amazing discounts by The Customize Boxes, We provides product packaging wholesale for your pillow product in the USA with FREE Shipping.
